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Multisensory engagement in Learning experiences

MFA Thesis

My thesis tracks the importance of multisensory engagement in learning experience and how it improves retention and subsequent productivity. It is an easy statement to make that everyone wants higher effectiveness and productivity, and from both an educational and professional standpoint, it’s become even more important in today’s context.


What I proposed as a result of my research is a framework and guideline set that will help an instructor or manager restructure content to include multisensory input to accelerates retention and resultant productivity.


Additionally, the framework makes material more inclusive, to reach larger audiences, ensuring increased retention of transferable information, enhancing overall consumer experience, at very limited additional expenditure of resources.

How might we evaluate the correlation between multisensory engagement and the subsequent retention levels of information to generate an intervention for improved productivity in learning spaces? 

Research Methodology

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Analysis of existing research studies in Learning, Sensory Engagement and Innovations in Sensory Integration.

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Framing of primary correlations between the key findings from the sensory research to map the main areas for research exploration.

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Design and development of research practices and methodologies that would be most suited to addressing the problem area, especially due to the focus on Cognitive behavior.

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Testing of the three key hypotheses through a 2-part experimental study geared towards tracking information retention amongst participants.

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Identification of patterns from the research data, while tracking outliers and content points for further research. Building of different narratives to present the links between the data points and insights.

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Utilizing the emerging patterns to develop an intervention space for the integration of sensory engagement in learning experiences specifically focusing on the enhancement of learning interactions and methods. 

Review of Literature
Hypothesis Framing
Experimental Research Design
Hypothesis Testing
Pattern Mapping

Reach out to know more about my research design, findings, emergent patterns and intervention development! 

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